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I’ve got the blues,
These old crazy blues,
Sometimes I wish that I could die.

I’ve got the blues, blues I can’t lose,
Little girl I’m telling you good-bye.

I’ll walk these streets,
These old lonesome streets,
’til I wear out the souls on my shoes.

I’ll keep on going,
Little girl you be knowing,
I’m trying to lose those dog gone blues.

I’ve got the blues,
These old crazy blues,
Sometimes I wish that I could die.

I’ve got the blues, blues I can’t lose,
Little girl I’m telling you good-bye.

I’ll walk these streets,
These old lonesome streets,
’til I wore out the souls on my shoes.

I’ll keep on going,
Little girl you be knowing,
I’m trying to lose those dog gone blues.

I’ll walk these streets,
These old lonesome streets,
’til I wore out the souls on my shoes.

I’ll keep on going,
Little girl you be knowing,
I’m trying to lose those dog gone blues.